Ok, so i am still alive (VERY alive, indeed) and have completely shirked my responsibilities in keeping this updated. please accept my most sincere apologies. enough of that.... EXCITING THINGS ARE AFOOT!!! please let me give you a reader's digest version of the past 6 months (wow... again) *** for a VISUAL tour of life, please click on the picasa link on the right***
you saw a bit of the beginning, but there was a ton more...
- mom and dad came out (soooo great)
- my business to keep me here in the NL was officially registered
- there was a ton of company at the house the whole month - old friends and new, so it was really fun
- honestly, really spent really recovering from december
- shawna and i did a cleanse (jackie, i am sure you would have been happy not to be there for that :))
- i prepared for my trip to florida and chicago
- went to florida to connect with the international mentor network (by alex mcmanus) and be a part of their humana conference... met some really spectacular people that are in different corners of the USA working hard to live "missionally" and be major connectors and impactors in the name of God in their communities. rad people.
- flew to chicago to be with the family, connect with friends and supporters, take the rest of my stuff from mom and dad's place. it was really wonderful to truly RELAX with mom and dad and fall back into our family rhythm for a bit (i am tearing just thinking about it.... you all know how great my folks are) and have some really excellent time with them. with friends and contact in chicago, i met with TONS of people (booked end to end daily while in the city) and made more contacts for some cross-continent connections for my business, Embellish (more on that to come soon). very good time, lots of really great intentional conversations with dear friends that i care about deeply. my only regret: not having enough time to see everyone and call everyone. silly 24 hour days...
- shawna was gone for the first part of the month in seattle for a class, so i hung out with the kids and decompressed from my trip
- the whole snow clan went to switzerland with our friends and neighbors, wanda and paul. they have a chalet in the mountains near martigny - wow. so cliche 'swiss chalet' it was incredible. such a fun expereince and made more friends up there - particularly a darling gentleman by the name of jean-françios who opened up his home us - best raclette ever.
- we worked really hard on RECKONING stuff (the non-profit started in shawna's name) and putting together a project for the beginning of may in a small village called nieuwkoop
- embellish (my company) had 2 catering jobs in one night! one for galery wm, the other for a birthday party for 80+ people - great success!
- hitting the ground hard with RECKONING - meeting daily to finalize and execute the business plan, strategies, marketing materials and other pertinent information - maximizing contacts...
- the snow house was full again - family, friends, work.... shawna's mom, step-sis and her daughter came out (very fun to hang with the girls) followed by our dear friend, christine, who came out here to teach a class to us, the RECKONING team, on transformational team-building, followed by a class on transformational education (more friends - deborah and donna from portland flew out for this class, as it is part of the master's program shawna and deborah are a part of. the rest of us were invited to be in this since it is THEIR teams that will be afftected by these learning tasks and strategies). this information and intense time will be INCREDIBLY VITAL to the development and sturcture of RECKONING - sooooo great and it was an immense privilage to be a part of this.
- david young came out which was awesome (i you don't know this character, you should).
- april 30 - queen's day and ari's birthday - some of you may know about queen's day, but until you have seen it, there is little i can say to describe it. the city was a veritable madhouse and it was a great time. if you can, come out for it sometime soon.... it is really something not to miss.
- ending of the class with christine and more really good conversations and insights with her
- alycia arrived to join the RECKONING team!!!! very exciting and she is proving to be a very very needed part of the group (as we knew she would be :) )
- i turned 28... woohoo. please see the video that my AWESOME brother made for me... http://youtube.com/watch?v=BW6YqC-uMp8
could he be any cooler?
- our friend dave bart was out visiting - good times.
- did some grasssroots marketing for embellish - walked with a tray of food to all the ateliers participating in the "open atelier de jordaan" to get my name out there... good times.
- our project in nieuwkoop ended up getting postponed, but it is for the best
- finished applications for funding for RECKONING to a couple of major funding groups - we shall see! but the bigger thing, is that we are finding favor in the city here with RECKONING - the people that we are meeting with are not only on board, b ut they are pulling strings and inviting us in further to make this a reality! they are ally see the need for it and really beileve that we can make a true diffference in the city by combining public space art and transformational education!!!!!! this is so great!!!!
- here we go.... working more on RECKONING with finalizing marketing materials and researching more funding avenues, etc.
- working on embellish and some potentially big projects with some cross-continent art exchanges... we shall see and i will keep you posted. this month is all about streamlining the business, maximizing contacts and really identifying key connectors for my business so that i can make a living here and stay in the country to continue to live in this community and LOVE the people that God has placed in my path here
- shawna and i had a meeting this morning with some culture and art planners for the city to participate in a festival in 2 weeks that will give RECKONING a presence in the bos en lommer area (the first neighborhood here that we are going to do a RECKONING project) - very excited to see what will come of that!
in the middle of all of these things that i have described above (if you are still reading this ;)), there has been really deep and maeningful changes in the lives of friends of ours here, in our own lives and in the shaping of the community of people that we have become connected with. We are finding favor in the city as a whole, and beyond that, the deep soul-changing building of relationships is taking place in very real and beautiful ways. i can't describe to you how much i feel the support and prayers of all of the people that i have been connected with thoughout this whole process - you have carried me and us and i am deeply thankful for you.
big stuff coming through little changes - and daily "fighting the war on boring" as my new friend elijah would say. i think that we are fighting more than boring, but i can tell you that life here is anything but boring as a result! if you made it to the end of this email, i hope that you are NOT bored, but rather encouraged and hungry to learn more about what is going on here - i would love to hear from you and hear more about what is going on in your corner of the world! i know that there have been big changes in your lives, and things get crazy and it is hard to keep up - but let's not let that stop us :) please know that you are always close in heart and mind.
much love and peace.... more to come soon ;)
please check my picaca site over the next couple of days... i am putting up pictures there, but am waiting today for more GB space! they should be up and with notes on them tomorrow so that you can get the visual tour of life here over the past couple of months ;)