28 October, 2007

a slice of the city

shawna's friend Christina Sharp is here right now... having a good time getting to know her and talking through how we both can't believe that we didn't know each other in California since we knew all the same people. we have been walking around the city a bit and she has been helping remind me to take pics of things that will help everyone who reads this to see what i am seeing everyday. so, here are some sensory pictures... :)

in vondelpark... i run here as often as i can. it is a huge park in the middle of the city with tons of trails and open spaces. this time of year it is especially beautiful... the 2 girls are christina and noelle

on herengracht at dusk.... "gracht" means canal in dutch. you have to say the "g" and the "ch" with a gutteral spitting sound (sort of like in german). really pretty to listen to (ha ha).
beautiful night... a bit cold, so we went home not long after this ;). i run the canals pretty often too... really when i get bored with vondelpark. keeps things interesting.

1 comment:

Mighty Fine said...

Thx for sending the link... Nice to hear what is happening in A town down... See you soon